
Hammocks & Casual Home Decor Blog - Elivana Accents
Tab Top Curtains And Drapes Care Instructions
The best method to wash the tab top curtain panel is in a large bathtub, children’s pool or using a washing machine on delicate cycle. See details.
Prior cleaning instructions: Grab the drape by the top hanging tabs and pass the enclosed string through every tab. Bring the two ends of the string together and make a knot. This prevents the tabs from tangling. Prepare the drape by securing any loose strings. Tie the drape together with pieces of cord just below the tabs and tie the panel again at the opposite end. Fold the drape in half and tie the drape one more time in the middle. This prevents the ropes from tangling. Fold the drape in a bundle with a new string. Place it in a large pillow case and close the open end with large safety pins or additional strings.
Hand wash method: After following the prior cleaning instructions, fill the bathtub with lukewarm water for natural ecru (beige) - colored rope drape. DO NOT USE bleach, strong detergent or any chemicals as they will adversely affect the natural-ecru color of the rope. Sock the bundle overnight in the bathtub with lukewarm water. If the natural-ecru colored drape is very dirty, add baking soda or very mild soap to the lukewarm water and let the drape rest for several hours. After the soaking process, move the bundle back and forth in the water to release the dirt and drain the dirty water. Rinse the drape with water until the water runs clean.
Washing machine method: After following the prior cleaning instructions, set washing machine on delicate cycle. For natural or ecru (beige) - colored rope, don't use bleach chemicals or strong detergent. Use only lukewarm water to preserve the natural color of the rope. If the drape is very dirty, add baking soda or very mild soap to the lukewarm water. When the delicate cycle is complete, gently untie all the strings.
Hose down method: Prior cleaning, grab the drape by the tabs and pass the enclosed string through every tab. Bring the two ends of the string together and make a knot. This prevents tabs from tangling. Spread the drape onto a clean hard surface such as a deck or driveway and hose it down with clean lukewarm water. Remove the dirt gently with a soft sponge or scrub brush and hose it down until the water runs clean. When you have done one side, flip the drape over and do the same thing on the other side of the drape. Press out the excess water and flat dry it in direct sunlight.
Drying method: When the washing is complete, gently untie all the strings except the string that passed through the rings. Lay the drape flat and press out the excess water. Keep the drape flat in direct sunlight. In a hot summer season, the drape may take two days to dry. Do not hang the drape while it is drying. After the drape is fully dry, hang it on the curtain rod and remove the string that passed through the rings.
Tab Top Curtains And Drapes Installation Instructions
Install the drapes on your favorite rod. Start by measuring the space and mounting the hardware. Grab the drape panel by the hanging tab top. Untie the sting that secures the tabs and pass the drapery rod through every tab. Make sure all the tabs are in the right position. Spread all the tabs on the rod evenly and install the rod on the brackets. Keep the enclosed string for cleaning or storing the drapes.